Hillsborough Vigil

St George's Hall, Liverpool - 27th April 2016

"We climbed the hill in our own way"

I've found the last couple of days exhausting. My emotions are fraught. I can't imagine what it must feel like for those who've fought tirelessly on the front line for 27 years. 
I've been exposed to the events of Hillsborough for over two decades yet fairly unaffected. It always intrigued me as a kid because I didn't comprehend what had happened. Magazines I would buy as a keen fan, and songs that were sung at games would throw issues out I didn't understand so I began to investigate for myself. 
Growing up in Liverpool meant that most of the people I've known growing up have been affected by Hillsborough in some way, either directly or indirectly, so they have an opinion of their own. I'd say it's only in the last 10 years or so though it's actually begun to affect me (Most notably since sharing office space with a branch of the Hillsborough justice campaign and family support group. Phil Hammond took great pleasure in educating and stirring up a hungry young pupil). Anger and frustration would be my overriding emotions whenever I considered what took place at Hillsborough and the subsequent events. My energy was always spent dwelling on the sheer injustice of the whole situation. 
Yet the past couple of days have completely shifted my focus. Rather than considering the weight of the injustice and growing angry at the situation... I'm now overcome by pride and inspired by those who've been committed to the cause - whatever their individual agendas may have been. 
Their example and courage have inspired me more than any other. I'm overwhelmingly grateful for it.